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Writer's picturePam

Travel Addiction - The Struggle is Real

Updated: Jun 22, 2019

A Table for One, Please.

I can say that in five different languages... and counting. I began traveling overseas when I was seventeen. My father was not in the military and I was not an expat wife... questions I still receive as a solo female traveler in the 21st century. When I think back on my adventures around the globe and the hundreds of flights I have boarded, I am rarely with a companion. 

My wanderlust began in high school after I was chosen by the AFS committee in my rural farming community to become an exchange student abroad. I was beyond thrilled when I was told that I was being sent to my first choice... Japan. The travel bug bit and I haven’t been able to stop roaming since. 

From Baby Boomer with a Backpack to a Baby Boomer on a Budget

Traveling in my twenties, I had the energy and health to catch flights as a courier without a care in the world or a ridiculously overpacked suitcase. Hostels were home as I bunked in rooms with two to twenty other people. The responsibilities of marriage and motherhood slowed down my locomotion. And although I still traveled often, it was not with the same frequency or variety I had previously spoiled myself with. Now in my fifties, I am again on my own. I have accomplished everything that my society expected from me... the 20-year marriage - done, a career - check,  the amazing offspring - yup. Time to get back to me. 

I started this blog because I realized I had a lot of great information to share. I realized this because everyone tells me this. All. The. Time. 

- You lost 30 pounds! How did you do it? 

- Your daughter got into a great school! Can I ask you some questions? 

- My nephews are coming into town! What should I do with them? 

And the big one... 

You are always traveling! How can you afford it? 

Now, when you think about this, it’s actually kind of a rude question. And I would be pretty surprised if men get asked the same question. Yeah. I’m going there. It’s more “normal” for guys to have wanderlust. Wake up, people. The world is changing. 

Ladies get Dromomania - Deal With It 

This is a pretty cool word. Dromomania. It refers to people who are addicted to travel. You have heard of what happens when the travel bug bites. Well, now you know what the term is for the diagnosis. And I have it BAD. If you do, too, you’re in the right place. If you need to travel more, you’re in the right place. And, if you know the cheaper it is the more you can do it, you are definitely in the right place. 

At this point, I feel it is prudent to issue a warning. Well, more like a challenge. Fear of going it alone is probably the number one reason people don’t fulfill their dreams. If you wait for someone else to see a movie, try a new restaurant or board a flight to climb the Great Wall of China, you take an awful chance of never having a full life. If you are not already a solo traveler, give it a try. I am here to help.

That’s my first post. Come along for the ride.

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